Saturday, July 12, 2008

HRT Can Help With Osteoporosis Concerns

When osteoporosis is a concern around the time of menopause, many options are

available for treatment. From hrt Evista to exercise and vitamin therapy and

beyond, there is no reason to take this condition as a forgone conclusion. There

are options for prevention and even treatment.

Osteoporosis is a degenerative disease that can cause a loss of bone mass. In

the process, the bones become very weak and brittle. If allowed to progress,

those with the condition can suffer from serious breaks and fractures.

Prevention is sometimes possible and treatment is advised if the condition does

appear. Hrt Evista is one of the routes some women take to handle osteoporosis.

Evista is a prescription drug made by Lilly. It is one of many Selective

Estrogen Receptor Modulators. This is a class of drugs that is designed to

prevent and treat osteoporosis. It works by stopping bone thinning while helping

to maintain bone mass. As a result, the drug is helpful in preventing breaks and

fractures. This is key for both osteoporosis prevention and treatment.

While hrt Evista sometimes go together, Evista is not a form of

hormone replacement therapy
. The medication is not a hormone and it is not

estrogen. There are some benefits with this drug over hormone replacement

therapy, especially in regard to osteoporosis treatment and prevention.

In the past, physicians sometimes prescribed hormone replacement therapy to help

prevent and/or treat osteoporosis. While it can be very beneficial in helping

with severe menopausal symptoms, it is no longer considered worth the risks

involved for the treatment or prevention of osteoporosis alone. Studies have

shown that hormone replacement therapy, or hrt, increases the risks of certain

forms of cancer. When it is necessary for other symptomatic treatment, hrt can

be beneficial. For prevention and/or treatment of osteoporosis, other options

such as Evista are more frequently recommended.

Evista is believed to be a safer option for osteoporosis treatment alone. It is

not thought to be linked with cancer, breast tenderness or vaginal bleeding.

Inasmuch, it is generally a better choice for those who require long-term

medications in relation to osteoporosis.

While it is possible an hrt Evista combination might be prescribed, with hrt for

short-term symptom treatment and Evista for osteoporosis treatment, the drug is

often prescribed on its own. While Evista is not generally thought to be linked

to cancer, the medication does come with some precautions.

Evista is not considered safe for pregnant women and should not be taken prior

to surgery. Side effects can include such things as blood clots, sharp leg

pains, swelling, chest pain and even vision changes. These are considered some

of the more serious side effects. Evista also has some potential less serious

side effects. They include such things as muscle pain, leg cramps, weight gain,

sweating, rashes and hot flashes. If side effects are serious or are

particularly troublesome, a doctor should be contacted immediately.

Women who are considering an hrt Evista combination are typically urged to go

over medical history and all other prescriptions being taken with their

physician. Those who take it should avoid sitting for long periods of time and

are usually advised to not take the medication if bed rest is required for any

period of time.

While hrt Evista can be rather useful for menopausal symptom treatment and

osteoporosis prevention, there are other suggestions for osteoporosis prevention

that should likely be used as well. Things such as dietary change, exercise,

vitamins and supplements can go a long way toward helping prevent the condition.

They are also useful for helping with treatments. In addition, avoiding heavy

alcohol use and smoking are suggested by most osteoporosis experts.

You can buy Evista here

Drathuu's weblog

Imitrex LASIK

Lasik eye surgery is a modern marvel that allows people to correct their vision through a specialized type of laser surgery. Not everyone is a good candidate for lasik surgery though. One of the things that can disqualify you from having lasik surgery is if you are taking Imitrex. Imitrex lasik can have significantly higher risks.

Whenever one is being considered as a candidate for lasik surgery, all of the medications that you are taking are brought under review. There are several medicines that can hurt your chances of being a good candidate for lasik surgery. Any medicine that restricts the blood flow to the head, such as Imitrex, is not a good idea when undergoing lasik surgery.

Lasik eye surgery corrects one's vision by reshaping the cornea of the eye. The surgeon cuts away part of the cornea to accomplish this task. While recovering from lasik surgery you need all of the blood flow that you can get to the eye to promote speedy healing of the surgery site. If blood flow is restricted, the results of the surgery could be impacted and healing time is slowed.

Imitrex is a popular medicine used mainly to treat migraine headaches. It works by restricting blood flow to areas of the brain and head. This helps to alleviate the pain and pressure associated with migraines. This is particularly true of the eye area since much of the pain of migraines is centered around the eyes.

So, as you can see, Imitrex and lasik surgery are not very compatible. Because Imitrex specifically targets the blood flow around the eyes, it can be especially detrimental to Imitrex lasik patients. Many lasik doctors will not perform the surgery if you are taking Imitrex.

That is not to say, however, that it is not possible to have Imitrex lasik surgery. You will need to talk to the doctor performing the lasik surgery as well as the doctor handling your migraine control. In some cases, the Imitrex lasik doctor will go ahead with the surgery while allowing you to continue taking your Imitrex. At other times, your doctors will collaborate to find alternative medicines and treatments for you to take while recovering from Imitrex lasik surgery.

Knowing that the taking of Imitrex may disqualify them from getting lasik surgery done, some patients may be tempted to be less than truthful with their doctor about what medicines they are taking. This is a bad idea. You should always be open about the medicines you are taking. This information helps your doctors find the best course of treatment for your unique situation.

Imitrex lasik surgery can be risky. Because of this, it is always important to discuss all of your options with your doctor. The best possible outcome of Imitrex lasik surgery can be reached for both patient and doctor through open and honest communication.

You can buy Imitrex here

Archus's weblog

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Coral Calcium a Superior Form of Calcium

Coral Calcium is a salt of calcium derived from fossilized coral reefs. Coral Calcium is found naturally embedded in the soil in Japan. Coral calcium is composed primarily of the shells and skeletons of reef-building coral and microscopic sea life such as star sand that inhabit the area. Coral Calcium is a natural substance found in Sango Coral Reefs off the coast of Okinawa, Japan, which is the home of the healthiest and longest living people on Earth.

Calcium is a mineral we simply have to have every day, to keep our bones, teeth and nails strong, and prevent osteoporosis as we get older. In addition to maintaining healthy bones, calcium is essential in the healthy functioning of the circulatory and nervous systems. Calcium is also essential for proper blood clotting. Calcium is 35% of our body's mineral makeup and our number one mineral. Include these essential minerals to your diet today. And unlike other calcium supplements, coral calcium does have special properties that make it worth strongly considering as a supplement to your daily diet.

Coral Calcium is one of the finest sources of absorbable calcium in the world and some of the highest quality Coral Calcium in found in the reefs off the Ryukyu Islands of Okinawa Islands. Okinawans, are thought to have the longest life expectancy in the world and have low rates of heart disease and cancer. If coral calcium works for the people of Okinawa, it should work for the rest of us, right. According to the Okinawa Centenarian Study: "Although Okinawa may have the world's highest concentration of centenarians, as well as extremely low mortality rates from diseases common in the West such as heart disease, breast, and prostate cancers, the research shows that it has very little to do with their drinking water. Although drinking hard water (high mineral content that includes calcium, magnesium, and other minerals) gives the Okinawans a boost in their calcium intakes, they still fall far below the calcium intakes of most Western countries. The average calcium intake in Okinawa is only about 500 mg a day.

Calcium is one of the most important elements in the diet because it is a structural component of bones, teeth, and soft tissues and is essential in many of the body's metabolic processes. A dietary deficiency eventually depletes bone stores, rendering the bones weak and prone to fracture. So, if you want to get a lot of calcium into your diet, you can also consume increasing quantities of these green, leafy vegetables. The average American diet of meats, refined grains, and soft drinks (highin phosphorus) has been documented to contribute to increased boneloss in adults. Women, particularly older ones, need to supplement their diets with calcium. Coral calcium is one ofthe most aggressively and pervasively promoted dietary supplements on the market today.

Do not be misled by those that try to convince you that Sango Coral Calcium is not beneficial to your health. Out of over 2,500 varieties of coral in the world, only the Sango Coral contains an organic composition identical to that of the human skeleton, including calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium.

Coral calcium is critical to good health, its like water and air. Coral Calcium is an amazing natural element and is prescribed by many doctors in many countries. Living coral reefs are endangered and cannot be harvested without significant damage to the ecosystem, and because of this, coral calcium is harvested by grinding up above-ground limestone deposits that were once part of a coral reef.

You can buy Coral Calcium here

ZetaOrionis's weblog

Holy Basil - Medicinal Aspects of Holy Basil

Holy basil is a common name of a world-renowned herb Tulasi. It is a secret herb that has a mythological back ground. Tulasi is supposed to be a beloved of Lord Krishna, a reincarnation of Lord Vishnu, the operator of this world. Hence the herb got its name from there. This herb is worshipped throughout India as well as in various other parts of this world. It is especially associated with lord Krishna and is found in every temple of His. Even you can trace a Tulasi plant in almost every Indian home.

As per the properties of Tulasi are considered, it has a diversified usage. It has both therapeutic as well as general usage. Due to its application in various aspects of our life it has been considered as healer. References of holy basil can be traced back in Riga Veda, the oldest written book of the world. It clearly mentions that people at that time were aware of the multiple benefits of Tulsi and used them very often. Even the Charka Samhita, a medicinal book of ayurveda is also mentioned various therapeutic uses of Tulsi and has mentioned it in list of esteemed herbs.

In general Tulasi is of two types,

· Shyama Tulsi or the Tulsi that has black colored leaves

· Rama Tulsi or the Tulsi with green colored leaves.

If we compare the therapeutic values of these two varieties, black colored Tulsi is of more importance than the other one.

Uses of Tulsi

· Respiratory tract problems – Tulsi is very effective in treating the cold and related disorders. It is a boon for respiratory tract disorders. It helps in treating all the disorders that are related to our throat. Tulsi is blessed with certain properties that helps in increasing the immunity of the body therefore it helps in fighting against any antigen or infection that invades our body. It is also very helpful in expelling out the extra amount of mucus that gets accumulated in our respiratory tract especially in lungs.

· Headaches – some analgesic properties have been discovered in Tulsi and are a great assert in providing remedy to various pains that might happen in the body. It has been seen that Tulsi is very helpful in relieving the head aches. It has certain properties that helps in releasing spasm in the muscles hence is extremely helpful in relaxing the body.

· Abdominal disorders – it is one of the potent herbs that are very helpful in treating all a kind of abdominal disorders. It is very effective in increasing the peristaltic movements in the GI tract. It is very helpful in improving the appetite. It also has some mild laxative properties therefore helps in evacuation of the bowel.

· Inflammation – Tulsi is considered a good herb that has the anti-inflammatory properties. It is very effective in suppressing any kind of edema that happens in the body. It is very much used in reducing the pain and improve the blood circulation in the body thereby is very helpful in fading away wit the swellings that creeps in our body.

· Heart diseases – Tulsi is useful in curing heart related problems. It provides strength to the heart muscles and also helps in improving the blood circulation. It also helps in improving the blood supply to heart muscles. It is also helpful in reducing the cholesterol levels in the body.

You can buy Tulasi here

Gnarl's weblog


Active Ingredient: Centrizine

Common Brand Name(s): Zyrtec

Zyrtec is mainly used to treat symptoms of allergies like sneezing, runny nose, itching, tearing and redness of eyes and hives. Zyrtec works as an antihistamine by blocking actions of naturally occurring chemical histamine in the body.

What is Zyrtec used for?

• Zyrtec is used as an antigistamine which blocks the actions of the naturally produced acids in the body. Zyrtec has comparatively lesser side effects than other antihistamines.

• Zyrtec is mainly used to treat allergic ailments such as sneezing, runny nose, itching, tearing and redness of eyes, and hives.

• Apart from the above uses, Zyrtec may be used for some other purposes.

How Do I Use Zyrtec?

• You must follow doctor’s direction for use of Zyrtec. If you have any doubt about use of Zyrtec you must consult your doctor, nurse or a pharmacist. They will be able to guide you the correct way of using Zyrtec.

• Take Zyrtec with adequate quantity of water.

• You can take Zyrtec before meals.

• You should chew the chewable tablets thoroughly, if taking chewable tablets.

• If you are taking Zyrtec in liquid form, use measuring spoon, cup or dropper to ensure correct in take of medicine.

• You can take Zyrtec with or without food.

How should I Store Zyrtec?

You can store Zyrtec at normal room temperature. However, you must ensure that the storing place is free from moisture and away from the heat.

What are the possible Side Effects?

• There are no serious side effects of Zyrtec as such. However, if you experience any allergic reaction like breathing difficulty, closing of throat, swollen lips, tongue, face or hives, stop taking Zyrtec and visit your doctor for immediate medical attention.

• If you experience other side effects which are less serious don’t stop use of Zyrtec. However you must consult your doctor if you develop symptoms like drowsiness, dizziness, and headache or mouth dryness.

• You may notice any other unusual side effects other than those enlisted here. In such case you must consult your doctor who will provide required medical treatment.

What should I do if I miss a dose?

You can take the missed dose immediately after you remember it. However you must keep in mind the time of your next dose. If there is sufficient time gap you can take the missed dose. If your next scheduled dose is nearing then skip the missed dose and take the regular scheduled dose in time. Never double your dose to make up for missed dose.

If you are using Zyrtec on as required basis, take the missed dose if it is need, but you must maintain the prescribed gap before you take next dose.

What should I do if I overdose?

If you suspect the overdose or develop unusual symptoms, you must consult your doctor for immediate medical attention. Exact symptoms of Zyrtec overdose are not known. However Drowsiness is considered as one of the symptoms.

Is Zyrtec Safe?

If you are suffering from liver disorders, you may not be able to use Zyrtec. Your doctor may make dose adjustment to suit you and closely monitor effects of the dose.

If you have allergic reaction to Zyrtec or medicines like Atarax and Vistaril, you must consult your doctor before taking Zyrtec.

There are no proven results available regarding effects of Zyrtec on the unborn baby. However, you must consult your doctor if you are pregnant.

There are no proven results to confirm that Zyrtec passes into breast milk and it may affect the nursing baby. You must consult your doctor before using Zyrtec, if you are breast feeding your baby.

Your doctor may prescribe you lower dose of Zyrtec if you are over 65 years of age. Aged people are likely to experience side effects of Zyrtec.

Zyrtec may cause drowsiness. If you experience this side effect, avoid driving, operating machinery and other hazardous activities.

If you are taking Zyrtec, avoid alcohol. Alcohol may increase drowsiness.

You must tell your doctor that you are taking Zyrtec, before your doctor prescribes you other medicines. Do not use other allergy medicines or cough; Cold medicine without consulting doctor, if you are taking Zyrtec.

Medicines like antidepressants, sedatives, pain relievers, anxiety medicines, muscle relaxants and other antihistamines increase drowsiness or dizziness when taken with Zyrtec. Consult your doctor on use of these medicines when you are taking Zyrtec.

How does Zyrtec interact with other medicines?

If you are taking any of the following medicines, you must inform your doctor regarding this before using Zyrtec. You may require dose adjustment and close monitoring, if you are taking these medicines.

• Antidepressants

• Sedatives

• Medicines for treating anxiety like diazepam, alprazolam, Iorazepam, Restoril, Librium etc.

• Pain relievers

• Muscle relaxants

• Other antihistamines

Never take other allergy or antihistamine medicines without consulting your doctor.

Some other drugs, other than those listed above may have interaction with Zyrtec. You must consult your doctor even before using vitamins, minerals and herbal products.

What other information should I know?

• You should continue use of Zyrtec as per your doctor’s advice till you get complete relief.

• Chew the chewable tablet thoroughly and use measuring spoon, cup or dropper for taking Zyrtec in liquid form.

• Take your Zyrtec on scheduled time and period as directed by your doctor.

• You must consult your doctor if you experience any unusual occurrence of side effect.

You can buy Zyrtec here

MadandAngry's weblog

What Kind of Eczema Treatment Can You Expect?

Eczema, a term used by most people to refer to Atopic Dermatitis, is an incurable disease which affects the skin. Although sure is not a possibility, there are things you can do to control the symptoms.

These things are a combination of medical attention and at home care. It is important for you to see a dermatologist when symptoms first appear as treating as early as possible helps you to keep your symptoms to a minimum and often makes the flare up period much shorter than it would be otherwise.

No matter how much you read about skin conditions, it is important that you understand a doctor diagnosis is important for you to plan the proper care for your condition. Many skin conditions resemble each other, while some are extremely painful and aggravating, others are caused by something else wrong in your body and can be fatal when not treated.

There are also a number of skin conditions that are curable, unlike eczema. A dermatologist can diagnose your skin condition through various tests, allowing him to give you the proper treatment and allowing you to learn the correct way to care for your condition at home.

Your dermatologist will need to know: when the symptoms first appeared in your lifetime; all of the symptoms (itching, pain, blistering, fever, etc); he will also need to know things that seem to make the symptoms worse (such as, whether washing makes the itching worse); whether you family has any history of skin conditions, hay fever, or asthma; and your own medical history.

When visiting the dermatologist, be prepared for him to order a biopsy. This is a normal procedure when dealing with skin conditions and does not necessarily mean that he thinks you have cancer. Do not let yourself stress over this test, especially since stress tends to worsen symptoms. He may also suggest that you have allergy testing done.

Possible Treatments:

Treatments are based on several factors: what kind of eczema you have, how bad it is, your age and medical history, and results of past treatments. Remember that treatment is a way to manage symptoms, not cure the disease. Moisturizing with creams (not most lotions because they can cause even more drying) are usually used with any treatment plan.

Treatment plans are also modified on an individual basis as you and your doctor know and understand more about triggering factors in your case.

First, if the dermatologist finds another condition, such as bacterial, viral, or fungal infections, he will prescribe a medicine to get rid of the infection. Antibiotics will be prescribed for bacterial infections, antiviral are prescribed for viral infections and antifungals will conquer fungal infection.

These may be applied to the skin, taken by mouth, or given in a shot, depending on the type as severity of the infection.

Treatment usually begins with topical medications which may or may not be coupled with antihistamines. Topical treatments are applied to the skin and are usually a cream which comes in a tube.

Most are members of the corticosteroid family of medicine. It is very important, as with any medication, to follow your doctor instructions. Too few applications will not give you much benefit and too many applications can cause thin skin. Some of the corticosteroids include:

























The newest form of topical medication is the topical Immunomodulators (TIMs). These do not have steroids in them, so they do not have the problems with thin skin that corticosteroids do. Elidel and Protopic are both TIMs.

If topical medications do not produce acceptable results, you may have to move to another phase of treatment. Other phases include phototherapy, in which you will be treated with UV rays, directed by either laser or sunlamps.

The UV light is focused on the symptomatic area which has had a medication applied to help the process. Beyond phototherapy, you may have to begin systemic treatments. These are medications which are taken into the body, whether by mouth or shot.

You will also find that you have several things you will need to do in your life to help minimize flare ups. Moisturizing, stress relief, avoiding allergens and avoiding irritants are a few of these things.

You can buy Aristocort here

Kayd's weblog

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Common High Blood Pressure Medications - Know These 8 Types

There are eight common medications used to treat high blood pressure. While many people dealing with hypertension will possibly be prescribed a combination of a variety of these medications, the amount of medication needed depends greatly on the type and the level of severity of the illness.

While antihypertensive medicines are used to lower blood pressure to normal levels, medications should always be used in combination with a healthy lifestyle change. The main objectives of high blood pressure medications are to not only lower blood pressure but to minimize the side effects caused by some of the medicines.


Water pills are used to remove excess salt from the body. The increase in salt in a person's body causes the blood vessels to retain more fluid than needed. The release of excess fluid in blood vessels, takes a strain off the vessels and arteries.

Examples: Thalitone, Lasix, Esidrix, Lozol, Dyazide, and Maxzide.


Beta-Blockers are used to reduce the amount of blood pressure flowing through the body, by slowing the heart rate down, it allows for an optimal flow of blood throughout the vessels.

Examples: Sectral, Tenormin, Coreg, Lopressor, Toprol, Corgard, Inderal and Blocadren.

ACE Inhibitors (Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors)

The hormone Angiotensin II can cause the blood vessels to narrow; ACE inhibitors stop that hormone from production.

Examples: Lotensin, Vasotec, Prinivil, Zestril, Accupril, Altace, and Mavik.

ARBs (Angiotensin II receptor blockers)

This medication defends blood vessels from narrowing affects from angiotensin II.

Examples: Atacand, Avapro, Cozaar, Benicar, Micardis, and Diovan.

CCBs (Calcium channel blockers)

Calcium entering from the body's cells can cause blood vessels to constrict, CCB's stop that from happening.

Examples: Norvasc, Cardizem, Cartia, Dilacor, Tiazac, Plendil, Cardene, Adalat, Procardia, Calan, Covera, Isoptin, and Verelan.


Alpha-Blockers are used to reduce nerve pressure to allow blood to pass in vessels more freely.

Examples: Cardura, Minipress, and Hytrin.

Centrally acting drugs

Centrally acting drugs work with a person's brain chemistry to control nerve impulses that narrow the blood vessels.

Examples: Catapres and Methyldopa.

Direct vasodilators

Direct vasodilators perform by widening the blood vessels to allow more blood to circulate.

Examples: Apresoline and Loniten.

You can buy Accupril here

Ulairi's weblog