Friday, June 27, 2008

Enhance Your Sexual Pleasure With the Help of Food

Sex is something that both men and women have been so preoccupied about even during the ancient times. However, when it comes to aphrodisiacs and sexual stimulants, men usually have the upper lead. In Ancient China, men are willing to pay huge sums of money in order to acquire exotic aphrodisiacs, such as balls of tigers, bones of cobras and even dried and powdered seahorses.

Nowadays, the idea that food from animals and plants can make men more virile is still very popular. Surf the Net and you will see many online stores selling out-of-this-world contraptions and potions that promise to boost men's libido. However, only a few items or articles are available for women who are interested in increasing their sexual pleasure and arousal.

If you are one of those women who want to make use of natural ingredients to improve your sexual desire and arousal, read on and learn that some things you find in your kitchen or pantry can actually help whet your appetite for sex.

Gingko Biloba

Quite a number of studies have shown that Gingko Biloba, also called the tree of life, improves blood circulation. In fact, many believe that the leaves of this tree can help your brain function better. Its ability to promote good circulation is also what makes this herb a good aphrodisiac. With the help of Gingko, there is a marked improvement in the flow of blood to the genital areas, making women easily aroused and satisfied.

Safed Moosli

This tuber plant, whose scientific name is Chlorophytum Borivilianum, has been used for years to help treat various ailments. Nowadays, however, it is considered as a potent sex tonic, particularly in Asian countries. According to Ayurveda tradition, this plant helps rejuvenate the reproductive system of both men and women.


Most probably, men do not know where the tradition of giving women chocolates as a sign of love originated. Probably, the first few men who offered bars and boxes of chocolate to women realized that this bittersweet treat can improve the mood of even the most iron-hearted women.

Chocolate contains components that increase the production of serotonin in the brain. This substance is responsible for pleasure and relaxation. They say that dark chocolate is more potent in making women feel good. Men out there know that a woman who is happy is more willing and open for the possibility of being intimate in the bedroom.


At first mention of Arginine, you probably are thinking that this substance is quite difficult to have. In reality, however, Arginine is abundant in the food you have inside your refrigerator or pantry. This amino acid is actually found in cheese, milk, meat, nuts, coconut milk and eggs. This substance is known to help enhance sensation of the clitoris, reduce dryness of the vagina, boost desire for intimacy and help in reaching climax or orgasm. What's more, Arginine is also vital in slowing down the process of aging.

Pine Nuts

Who would ever think that these small nuts could be used as a natural aphrodisiac for women? The birth rate in the Himalayan region, where pine nuts are quite popular, could be an indication that these lowly nuts can be very effective in making women more sexually active. Kidding aside, scientists believe that the protein content of pine nuts might be the one responsible for improving sex hormone levels in women. This might explain why these nuts are considered as potent aphrodisiac.


A lot of husbands and partners will agree that women who are in the verge of menopause suddenly don't find having sex attractive. Good thing there is Damiana, a South American shrub, which is known for stimulating female sex organs and toning the membranes of the reproductive organs. Majority of women who took supplements that contain Damiana, such as Menersa, claimed that their sexual interest and pleasure were enhanced even during menopause.

You can buy Female Sexual Tonic here


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Eversore Garlaxiel's weblog

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